Heilkunst and Home Dental Health
Learn simple, basic ways to make your teeth and gums healthier, keep them healthy and avoid most if not all trips to the dentist.
Watch on-line or download our two part video: Dental Health-part-1-of-2 and Dental Health-part-2-of-2.
All you need
- the Apple iTunes player installed on your computer
- to visit our public iTunes U content
- and look for Dental Health-part-1-of-2 and Dental Health-part-2-of-2.
Tip: viewing long videos on iTunes U
10 – 20 second pause: When you double-click to view a video in iTunes be prepared for a 20 second or so pause at the start where nothing appears to have happened—this is normal, the video should start and play normally to the end from then on (assuming your Internet connection is not interrupted).
For more on iTunes U access see our full list of FAQs.
Buy the book
After you have listened to the webcast if you want more information you can purchase the e-book Rudi has published on the topic.