News & Events
- Some coming up…
- News Date: TBA New Book by the HCH Deans! Chronic…
- New Book by the HCH Deans! Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemann's Medical System (Heilku….
- Some from the past…
- Event Mon 23 Apr 2018 – Wed 25 Apr 2018 Hahnemann Centre for Heilkunst 20t…
- Hahnemann Centre for Heilkunst 20th Anniversary Conference.
- News Oct 2017 150th Canada Day Special!
- 150th Canada Day Special!.
- Event Wed 5 Aug 2015 – Sun 9 Aug 2015 Summer School 2015
- Summer School 2015.
- Event Wed 23 Jul 2014 – Sun 27 Jul 2014 Summer School 2014
- Summer School 2014.
- Event Thu 16 Jan 2014 Public Webcast: Come join us as we…
- Public Webcast: Come join us as we announce new and exciting details about upcoming….
- Truff-aid: Homeopathic First-aid
- Autism The Journey Back, Hebrew ed…
This edition is available FREE!
Autism The Journey Back Recovering the self through Heilkunst, Hebrew edition. Translation by Sharon Anaise Haimovich, M.D.
Sharon Anaise Haimovich, M.D., graduated from Tel Aviv University Medical School, in Israel in 1996. In a search to help her oldest son, diagnosed with autism, she came upon the book, “Autism: The Journey Back, Recovering the Self Through Heilkunst” by Rudi Verspoor and Patty Smith... - Book: Homeopathy at Home: Everythi…
- Book: Homeopathy at Home: Everything You Need to Get Started with Confidence (Health at Home).
- Hahnemann Centre for Heilkunst 20t…
- Hahnemann Centre for Heilkunst 20th Anniversary Conference.
- HCH clinic 2013 Fee change and new…
- HCH clinic 2013 Fee change and new loyalty program.
- Heilkunst and Home Dental Health
Learn simple, basic ways to make your teeth and gums healthier, keep them healthy and avoid most if not all trips to the dentist.
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- Homeopathie a la Maison
- Homeopathy at home French Kindle Edition
- Rudi Verspoor (Author), Christele Rousse (Translator)
Vous avez surement entendu dire que l’homéopathie est une médecine plus douce comparée à l’utilisation de médicaments. Vous êtes peut-être maintenant aussi intéressé d’en apprendre plus sur ce système de médecine vieux de 200 ans. Peut-être même recherchez-vous de l’information sur comment utiliser l’homéopathie pour vous-même et votre famille.
Ce livre pourrait être exactement ce que vous recherchez. Vous allez beaucoup apprendre, et être même plus apte à pouvoir pratiquer sur vous-même ou sur un membre de votre famille. Vous pourrez aussi faire des économies, gagner tu temps et développer une confiance dans l’utilisation de l’homéopathie à la maison.
- Rudi Verspoor's address at Autism…
- Rudi Verspoor's address at Autism One Canada, Toronto, Ontario - Nov 2009.
- The Hahnemann College's photostrea…
- The Hahnemann College's photostream on flickr.
- Autism: The Journey Back
- A book that explains the foundational principles of Heilkunst, and their use in the treatment and cure of autism. It contains many case histories of the children, with comments by the parents included for your consideration.
- Quick facts
- The Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst (HCH) is a federally-registered charitable trust (Canada) established for the preservation, generation and dissemination of knowledge about and access to the principles and practice of Heilkunst and seeks to accomplish these goals through the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst and the Hahnemann Clinic for Heilkunst, as well as the more specific Community Clinics.
- Testimonials
I am a new student with HCH and I just wanted to write to express how absolutely amazed I am by the material I am learning.
- Homeopathy at Home, Work and Play
The HCH is now offering a FREE, downloadable basic study course for all those who wish to know more about Heilkunst/Homeopathy and how to apply it to first- aid and basic emergency situations, pending expert evaluation and treatment where still necessary.
The study material gives you all the tools you need to handle such situations as food poisonings, insect bites, burns, sprains, colds, earaches, coughs and other situations requiring immediate aid. Often, the need for further treatment is eliminated and recovery is speeded up considerably. More »
- Heilkunst around the world
See where in the world the Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst & Homeopathy has touched: students, graduates and patients!
- Sequential Homeopathy, Treatment a…
Sequential treatment was first developed by Dr. J.F. Elmiger MD of Switzerland, and was brought to North America and the homeopathic community and developed further in the early 1990’s, by Patty Smith and Rudi Verspoor of the Hahnemann College and Clinic for Heilkunst.
- Hahnemann College—digital content
- Content for students of the College is on the Hahnemann College digital content site.
- Homeopathy at Home, Work and Play
Certificate in Home and Basic First-Aid Use: Provides all parents, day-care workers, camp counselors and others responsible for the health-care of individuals or groups of people with a basic, but thorough knowledge of homeopathy and Heilkunst in first-aid, emergency situations pending expert evaluation and treatment.
- Radionic Assessment - Getting to t…
- The HCH Clinic has a non-invasive, safe and highly accurate assessment tool called the CoRe. It involves what is often termed bioresonance or radionics. Essentially, where most conventional medical assessment tools involve physical assessment or biochemical tests, bioresonance measures health and disease at the energetic level, or bio-energy level.